RENCI acquired a Dodeca 2360 camera system from Immersive Media in Portland, OR, to capture 360-degree high definition video. The camera system recreates physical spaces in cyberspace using an 11-camera, geo-referenced imagery system that shoots high-resolution video in full 360 degrees. The system collects huge amounts of data: 1 million pixels per second, or 1 gigabyte per minute.
The system is being tested for its usefulness in rapidly assessing disaster situations, documenting historical and cultural landmarks, documenting campus buildings and walkways to assess safety and assessing coastal storm damage. In summer 2009, the camera system captured 360-degree HD video of the entire North Carolina coastline when it was attached to the bottom of a helicopter, which then flew along the coastline. The footage shows the state’s emergency management division where the most dense coastal developments are located and where the coast is most vulnerable to storm surge and floods. It also serves as a “before” snapshot should a severe storm hit the coast requiring damage assessment.
Additional test cases for the camera have included documenting storm damage from a Nor’easter in November 2009 and filming Cape Hatteras Lighthouse and the grounds of Cape Hatteras National Seashore from atop the lighthouse.
State of North Carolina
Project Team
- Michael Stealey, Lisa Stillwell, Ken Galluppi, project leaders
- Kevin Gamiel
- Immersive Media Co., Portland, OR
- North Carolina Emergency Management Association
- State of North Carolina Division of Emergency Mananagement