NSF Cloud Chameleon
Chameleon is a large-scale testbed, funded by the NSF, that provides a platform for the computer science research community to explore transformative concepts in deeply programmable cloud services. Chameleon will allow users to explore problems ranging from the creation of Software as a Service to kernel support for virtualization. This broad range of supported research includes many other areas such as developing Platforms as a Service, creating new and optimizing existing Infrastructure as a Service components, investigating software-defined networking, and optimizing virtualization technologies.
Available resources include: 15,000+ compute cores (Skylake, Haswell, Low Power Xeon, Atom, ARM64), GPUs (Volta, Tesla K80, Tesla M40, Tesla P100), FPGAs, 1.6 PB object storage, 1 PB of programmable storage nodes, tenant controlled OpenFlow networks, Infiniband, layer 2 network stitching to ExoGENI (and RENCI). All resources are deeply programmable with tenants given baremetal access enabling low-level configuration including root accounts and custom kernels.
Come learn how your RENCI project can use Chameleon resources.