Title: Provisioning cloud infrastructure for scientific workflows
Presenters: Ilia Baldine, director, networking research group; Anirban Mandal, senior research software developer; Paul Ruth, senior distributed systems researcher; Yufeng Xin, senior network research engineer
The research team will demonstrate how the Open Resource Control Architecture (ORCA) can be used to create and provision infrastructure on demand—including bandwidth and computational resources at fixed sites and in multiple clouds—to execute a scientific workflow. ORCA will be used to provision resources from different research networks, including the Breakable Experimental Network (BEN) in North Carolina, National Lambda Rail and ESnet, the Energy Science Network. It will also execute a Hadoop workflow on multiple clouds connected through bandwidth-provisioned pipelines and will provision computational infrastructure on demand to set up a Condor cluster in the cloud. The research is a collaboration with Duke University and is supported in part by the NSF Global Environments for Network Innovation (GENI) project.