On April 15-16th 2020 FABRIC will virtually host a Community Visioning Workshop via Zoom.
The goal of this workshop is to provide a forum for academic researchers, industry, technologists, R&E network and computing facilities operators, and other stakeholders to exchange ideas and provide feedback on the proposed architecture and scope of the FABRIC project.
Registration is open to anyone. Please click here to register and the Zoom call-in information will be emailed to you.
The Community Workshop will now be attended virtually. The FABRIC leadership has been monitoring the spread of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) constantly. The decision to make the conference virtual was based on the latest scientific data being reported and the fact that a large number of attendees at this meeting would have to travel. This decision was made out of deep concern for the health and well-being of our registrants, staff, and vendors.
In addition to hosting this virtual workshop, we will be adding a Face-to-Face workshop in the fall. Please make sure to check our website later for more information.