This talk is titled What is FABRIC? and will be presented by FABRIC's Anita Nikolich. Designing, building, and maintaining advanced cyberinfrastructure to support scientific use cases can be challenging. There are numerous items to learn about, and the learning can be never ending. As a community, it is important for all of us to be available to answer questions, propose new ideas, and build upon our collective knowledge. Starting in 2017 ESnet, in collaboration with the National Science Foundation, began sponsoring semi-weekly…
Find out more »You may already know how to automate orchestration in Chameleon using Jupyter Notebooks, but are you ready to take it to the next level by cutting down the time required to set up the lab environment? Ansible allows users to design and quickly deploy reproducible experiments with little human intervention. The orchestration steps can be tested without needing to reserve the lab resources. This webinar will showcase how to create an ansible playbook that can be customized to run any…
Find out more »Anita Nikolich will be presenting FABRIC: Adaptive programmaBle networked Research Infrastructure for Computer science for this webinar.
Find out more »Many users know how to create an experiment using the Chameleon graphics interface, but Jupyter Notebooks allows users the added benefit of doing that in a reproducible and documented way? In this webinar, we will orchestrate an experiment -- from resource allocation to gathering and visualizing the results to tearing it down -- using Jupyter Notebooks.
Find out more »This tutorial describes how to use the Chameleon bare metal reconfigurable testbed to perform computer science experiments. It explains how to use Chameleon’s fully customizable and accessible collection of nodes, accelerators, storage, and innovative networking resources. The tutorial walks through the computer science experimental process and provides hands-on experience with making a hardware reservation and running a pre-designed experiment on Chameleon.
Find out more »In previous webinars we saw how to create and run an experiment using Jupyter Notebooks and automate configuring an experiment in multiple servers inside a custom network using Ansible. This time, we will raise the bar once again and use a heat template to create the entire experiment -- reservation, servers, network, experiment -- without human intervention besides starting the build process. You will leave this webinar knowing what a heat template is, how to write one, and how to…
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