
Multi-core Adaptive Execution System and Threaded Runtime Organization (MAESTRO) is designed to manage application power on high core count microprocessors. In addition, the system presents a simpler programming interface to users by virtualizing the processor cores. The base runtime is operational, enabling MAESTRO to be a viable platform for potential research in areas from hybrid programming models, to application resiliency to hardware faults, and integrating debugging/performance tools into production execution.

RENCI is implementing a multi-core runtime that uses excess computational power to better utilize hardware resources when shared resources are saturated. The implementation reduces power utilization when memory is saturated and is capable of support for other research areas with the prototype.


U.S. Department of Defense

Project Team

  • Allan Porterfield, project leader
  • Rob Fowler


Allan Porterfield, “MAESTRO: Program Thread and Synchronization Interface (version 0.1),” 2008.