
The SC Conference is the premier international conference on high performance computing (HPC), networking, storage and analysis, and it attracts worldwide participation from scientists, researchers, software developers, network engineers, policymakers, corporate managers, CIOs and IT administrators from universities, industry and government.

Supercomputing 2007 – Reno, NV

Integrated models for disaster planning and management, virtual environments for research and decision support, and computing and visualization to reveal the functions of proteins and gene mutations linked to cancer are among the presentations that were featured in the Renaissance Computing Institute (RENCI) booth at SC07 in Reno.

The SC07 exhibition was held at the Reno-Sparks Convention Center as part of the SC07 conference, beginning Monday night, Nov. 12, through Thursday, Nov. 15.

In its second appearance at an SC conference, RENCI highlighted its work over the last year with federal and North Carolina-based agencies to use advanced technologies to improve disaster planning and response. A presentation on the Institute’s FEMA-funded effort to create new high-resolution floodplain maps for coastal North Carolinal kicked off the RENCI exhibit at 7 p.m. Monday, Nov. 12. The presentation covered the background and approach to this work, which used an estimated 500,000 computer hours on RENCI’s Blue Gene/L supercomputer, Ocracoke. It included visualizations on a high-resolution tiled display wall showing a hypothetical tropical storm slamming into North Carolina’s Cape Fear River.


SC07 website
RENCI SC07 Booth to Highlight Broad Impact of Computing and Collaborative Technologies
SC07 BoF to Examine NITRD Program Recommendations


Collaborative Workspace Environment for Emergency Managers (NC-FIRST)
Ken Galluppi, Jessica Proud

Fault-Tolerance and Recovery for Large-Scale Scientific Workflows Using Qualitative Performance Analysis
Emma Buneci, Gopi Kandaswamy, Anirban Mandal

Teresa: A Qualitative Performance Analysis Framework for Large-Scale Scientific Applications
Emma Buneci, Daniel Reed

Integrated Modeling for Disaster Management
Jessica Proud

Open Science Grid and the Link Environments for Atmospheric Discovery (LEAD) Job Flow
Gopi Kandaswamy

Melanoma 3D
Jeffrey L. Tilson, Ray Idaszak

MotifNetwork: Genome-Wide Domain Analysis
Jeffrey Tilson, RENCI, and Eric Jakobsson, NCSA