Carolina Launch Pad names four new ventures to its 2012-2013 class

CHAPEL HILL, NC, June 6, 2012—A new crop of Carolina entrepreneurs have joined Carolina Launch Pad, the university’s pre-commercial technology startup incubator. The companies will participate in the program for the next year. Read more

Carolina Launch Pad company Sqord recognized for innovation in fighting childhood obesity

Sqord bands

Students display their Sqord Power Bands, electronic devices that record their physical activity. Players can instantly upload data from the devices to the Sqord website, a safe and exciting environment where they can keep track of their activities and engage in competitions with their friends.

CHAPEL HILL, NC–Sqord, a UNC Chapel Hill startup that uses an online social game environment to encourage kids to be more active, was named one of two national winners in a competition to recognize innovative technologies used to combat childhood obesity. Read more

RENCI visualization experts to assist two Duke research teams

Cassar on sea ice

Nicolas Cassar, assistant professor in Duke University’s Nicholas School of the Environment, stands on sea ice over the North Pole during an expedition last summer to collect data on carbon export from ocean surfaces to the deep. Cassar is one of the Duke faculty members who will work with RENCI through the Program in Applied Scientific and Information Visualization.

DURHAM, NC—Two Duke University research projects—one that uses virtual environments to combat the Type 2 diabetes epidemic and another that aims to understand the role of the oceans in global climate change—will get a boost from RENCI scientific visualization experts as they work to understand complex, multidimensional datasets.

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Full-dome storytelling

A creative team at the University of North Carolina’s Morehead Planetarium and Science Center is combining traditional storytelling with digital technologies from RENCI to create a fulldome planetarium show that promises to wow both adults and children when it premiers during winter of 2012.

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UNC/RENCI research team joins effort to build data infrastructure for geosciences

CHAPEL HILL – RENCI and the School of Information and Library Sciences (SILS) at UNC Chapel Hill have joined a nationwide effort to build an integrated data management infrastructure that will help scientists better understand the complex processes of the planet Earth, from meteorology to solid earth sciences to hydrology and oceanography. Read more

Emerging Company Showcase presents 14 UNC startups

Fourteen startup companies based on innovations at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill will present at the annual Emerging Company Showcase on April 18.

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RENCI-SILS CI-BER project cited in White House “Big Data” announcement

CHAPEL HILL, NC – On March 29, 2012, the White House announced the “Big Data Research and Development Initiative.”

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Carolina Launch Pad seeks campus entrepreneurs for 2012-2013 program year

CHAPEL HILL, NC—Faculty, staff, and student entrepreneurs at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill are encouraged to apply for a spot in the Carolina Launch Pad, the pre-commercial technology business accelerator located at RENCI. Read more

Researchers forecast 150% rise in developed land in Triangle/Rocky Mount region by 2040

A study by researchers RENCI at UNC Charlotte researchers shows 570 percent increase in developed land since 1976.

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Renowned historian and cyberinfrastructure pioneer to speak March 29

Orville Vernon Burton, a Clemson University history professor and renowned expert on Abraham Lincoln, the Civil War era, race relations and the history of the American South, will speak from 2 p.m. – 3:30 p.m., Thursday, March 29, in room 141 of the Frederick P. Brooks, Jr. Building, 201 S. Columbia St., Chapel Hill. A short reception will follow the talk. Read more