Title: 39th Henry M. Shaw Lecture
Location: N.C. State University – 216 Mann Hall
Dr. Mary Ellen Hynes
Director of Research, Infrastructure & Geophysical Division
Science and Technology Directorate
U.S. Department of Homeland Security
Physical infrastructure takes many insulting loads – impact from barges and trucks, extreme weather conditions, fire, storm surges, seismic, and blast loading to name a few. Computational tools to analyze the failure states of infrastructure and design mitigation measures are undergoing continuous improvement. This paper will present a summary of ongoing research and progress on blast loading of several types of infrastructure, and design of mitigation measures to prevent catastrophic failures. In the course of the blast research it has become evident that an integrated design approach considering multiple hazards is needed for sustainable infrastructure. The paper closes with some recommendations for areas of research needing further attention.
Date: 2010-02-25 1:30pm