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Category Archives: Blog
ExoGENI: A critical step forward for edge cloud computing
After more than eight years in operation, the ExoGENI testbed is in the process of being decommissioned. RENCI researchers played leading roles in building, maintaining, and expanding the testbed, which provided a full-scale cloud system that thousands of researchers have used to test and deploy cutting-edge applications.
RENCI’s Network Research and Infrastructure Group works to advance the nation’s cyberinfrastructure
For more than ten years, the Network Research and Infrastructure Group (NRIG) at RENCI has been developing specialized cyberinfrastructure critical for advancing computer science and a variety of scientific domains.
RENCI-developed software helps train computers to read 3D microscopy images of the brain
New tool could help scientists understand brain structure changes underlying conditions such as autism
Experts and researchers balance the scales at the NSF Conference on Data Science and Law
Data Science and Law are both disciplines that have perceived high barriers for entry. With data science, outsiders are overwhelmed by the thought of having to understand hard math and complicated computer code, as the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court demonstrated when he called statistical evidence of political gerrymandering “sociological gobbledygook.” With respect to […]
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Tagged sarah davis, Stan Ahalt
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RENCI partners with CUAHSI and others to launch Critical Zone Collaborative Network Hub
Five year cooperative agreement offers opportunity to accelerate research on boundary layers of rock, soil, air, water, and living organisms.
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RENCI to help guide effort to improve the efficiency of drone applications by leveraging edge, in-network, and cloud computing
The Renaissance Computing Institute (RENCI) at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill will collaborate on a $749,998, two-year effort to develop new architectures and tools for the safe, efficient, and economic operation of drones. The funding was awarded by the National Science Foundation (NSF).
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Tagged Anirban Mandal, FlyNet, NRIG
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RENCI to develop advanced network software for AtlanticWave-SDX 2.0
RENCI scientists contributed to the development of AtlanticWave-SDX, a distributed experimental software-defined exchange (SDX) that uses cutting-edge network technology to facilitate the exchange of data between research and education networks in the U.S. with networks on other continents.
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Tagged AtlanticWave-SDX, Yufeng Xin
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ROBOKOP technology offers faster, easier exploration of emerging COVID-19 research
RENCI scientists have developed new tools and approaches that can help researchers make important discoveries and answer key questions about COVID-19 in record time.
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Tagged Chris Bizon, COVID-19, robokop, Translator
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New digital laboratory helps get COVID-19 analyses up and running quickly
Data analysis and visualization are helping answer a variety of questions about COVID-19 such as who is most at risk, how is the disease spreading, and what approaches might work best for treatments. However, setting up a computer environment to analyze the large amounts of data needed to answer such questions is no easy task. […]
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Tagged blackbalsam, COVID-19, steve cox
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Professor learns new lessons while teaching during a pandemic
When UNC students left for spring break on March 9, the COVID-19 public health crisis was just heating up. Soon after, UNC administrators made the decision to move to remote teaching and extended the break by a week to give instructors time to prepare. RENCI Deputy Director Ashok Krishnamurthy was one of many UNC professors who made the quick transition to teaching via video conferencing on Zoom.
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Tagged ashok krishnamurthy, COVID-19, UNC - Chapel Hill
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