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Category Archives: Calendar
RENCI Brown Bag Lecture Series
Title: Using In-Storage Processing to Tame the Big Data Beast Presenters: Dave Fellinger, Data Direct Networks, Inc., and Reagan Moore, RENCI Chief Scientist for Data Intensive Cyber Environments and Professor UNC School of Information and Library Science Abstract: Join two experts in data science for an exploration into the advantages of embedded storage processing, which […]
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RENCI App Lab Tutorial: Using the Browser as a Mobile Development Environment
Presenter: Jeff Heard, RENCI Senior Research Software Developer About the Tutorial: The second App Lab tutorial will work through an example of using a browser and a personal web servder as a development environment for mobile apps. The session will cover the browser’s debugging and code inspection facilities and the pitfalls to expect (when there […]
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Using the Allen Brain Atlas Online Public Resources
Join researchers from the Allen Institute for this training workshop demonstrating their online public resource for exploring gene expression in the nervous system. Basic data access, navigation and usability will be covered, as well as more sophisticated search and visualization features. For a hands-on experience, attendees are encouraged to bring a laptop with Internet/WiFi connectivity […]
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Cyberinfrastructure and the Humanities
Presenter: Vernon Burton, Ph.D., professor of history and director of the Clemson University CyberInstitute Abstract: Advances in computing have begun to revolutionize humanities research. Advanced data acquisition, data storage and management, user-friendly data mining and visualization technologies, large-scale modeling and simulation, massive text and visual searches with complex relational analysis—these techniques, not possible a few […]
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RENCI Brown Bag Lecture
Title: Provisioning cloud infrastructure for scientific workflows Presenters: Ilia Baldine, director, networking research group; Anirban Mandal, senior research software developer; Paul Ruth, senior distributed systems researcher; Yufeng Xin, senior network research engineer Abstract: The research team will demonstrate how the Open Resource Control Architecture (ORCA) can be used to create and provision infrastructure on demand—including […]
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RENCI Brown Bag Lecture
Title: Improving Radiotherapy by Visualizing Prior Patient Plans Abstract: Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy (IMRT) is the most common type of radiation therapy, and in the U.S. it is most frequently used to treat prostate cancer. Given the prevalence of prostate cancer, improving prostate IMRT is a topic of great clinical significance. The research team, led […]
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An introduction to Apps: When to app, and how mobile devices fit
Presenter: Jeff Heard, RENCI Senior Research Software Developer When: noon – 1 p.m., Tuesday, Nov. 15 Where: RENCI’s Biltmore Conference Room, 100 Europa Drive, 5th Floor, East RSVP: Note: Seating is limited and attendees will be accepted on a first-come, first served basis. A remote location at ITS Manning has been reserved in case […]
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RENCI Brown Bag Lecture
Title: Overview and Results of RENCI @ NCSU Faculty Engagement Visual Analytics Projects Abstract: The presenters will provide an overview of ongoing efforts at RENCI’s Engagement Center at North Carolina State University. The projects are part of RENCI@NCSU Faculty Engagement Program in Applied Scientific and Information Visualization initiated in January 2011. The work encompasses applications […]
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Triangle Computer Science Distinguished Lecture Series
Speaker: Ravi Sandhu, Professor, Department of Computer Science, University of Texas at San Antonio Title: The Data and Application Security and Privacy (DASPY) Challenge Host School: NCSU Details Lecture Series Website
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Triangle Computer Science Distinguished Lecture Series
Speaker: Saman Amarasinghe, Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, MIT Title: (How) Can Programmers Conquer the Multicore Menace? Host School: NCSU Details Lecture Series Website
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