Category Archives: Research

Bias Tracking and Reduction Methods for High-Dimensional Exploratory Visual Analysis and Selection

Overview Exploratory visualization and analysis of large and complex datasets is growing increasingly common across a range of domains, and large and complex data repositories are being created with the goal supporting data-driven, evidence-based decision making. However, today’s visualization tools are often overwhelmed when applied to high-dimensional datasets (i.e., datasets with large numbers of variables). […]

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Data Translator: ARAGORN

Overview Biological knowledge is increasingly standardized and made available through simple programming interfaces.  But how can scientists best consume that information, and use it to enhance their research?  ARAGORN (Autonomous Relay Agent for Generation of Ranked Networks) is a tool that assembles information relevant to a user query, and uses that information to synthesize well-supported […]

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A Scalable Platform for Exploring and Analyzing Whole Brain Tissue Cleared Images

Overview By developing a scalable platform for exploring and analyzing whole brain tissue cleared images, RENCI is working to help researchers take advantage of advances in microscopy to study brain development and disease. RENCI’s Role Light sheet fluorescence microscopy images can shed new light on the understanding of three dimensional structures of the whole brain […]

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Overview Developed in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Rapidly Emerging Antiviral Drug Development Initiatives AViDD Center (READDI-AC) platform integrates cutting-edge discovery-based academic science with product development-oriented industrial drug development transforming the historically reactive landscape of emerging virus drug development to one that is proactive. READDI-AC components are completed in part by the creation of […]

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Enabling the Semantics of FHIR and Terminologies for Clinical and Translational Research Overview HL7 Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources (FHIR) is an emerging next generation standard framework for the exchange of electronic health record (EHR) data. The FHIR specification defines a common vocabulary and mechanism for sharing EHR data independent of how it is actually stored. […]

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South Big Data Hub partners on development of new nationwide data storage network under NSF grant

The Open Storage Network will enable researchers to manage data more efficiently than ever before. The South Big Data Hub is one of four regional big data hub partners awarded a $1.8 million grant from the National Science Foundation (NSF) for the initial development of a data storage network over the next two years. A […]

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Alex Tropsha

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Overview A combination technology framework and process for accelerating science, HeLx (formerly xDCI) represents cross-disciplinary data science cyberinfrastructure. HeLx provides scientists with a technology framework that enables their research communities to rapidly deploy robust cyberinfrastructure that can easily ingest, move, share, analyze and archive scientific data in all its varieties. The HeLx framework integrates its […]

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Overview Scientific progress today requires multi-institutional and cross-disciplinary sharing and analysis of data. Many disciplines, such as social and health-related sciences, face a web of policies and technological constraints on data due to privacy concern over, for example, Personal Health Information (PHI) or Personally Identifiable Information (PII). Issues of privacy, safety, competition, and ownership have […]

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Scientific Data Analysis at Scale (SciDAS)

Overview Many tools and resources exist to help scientists conduct research efficiently, including high performance computing in the cloud, data management and scientific workflow systems, and tools that enable collaboration and data sharing. However, scientists need to seek out these different tools and platforms, and national cyberinfrastructure does not currently operate as a seamless, integrated […]

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