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Category Archives: Spotlight
What to expect at the iRODS 2023 User Group Meeting
The worldwide iRODS community will gather in Chapel Hill, NC from June 13 – 16 Members of the iRODS user community will meet at UNC-Chapel Hill in North Carolina for the 15th Annual iRODS User Group Meeting to participate in four days of learning, sharing use cases, and discussing new capabilities that have been added […]
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Ashok Krishnamurthy Named Director of RENCI
Ashok Krishnamurthy has been appointed director of the Renaissance Computing Institute (RENCI). Krishnamurthy previously served as RENCI’s deputy director and has been engaged in the leadership team that has guided RENCI over the past 10 years. In addition, he has served as interim director of RENCI since last July when previous director Stan Ahalt assumed […]
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Spectra Logic and iRODS Consortium Partner to Provide Glacier-Like Tier of Storage for Data-Driven Organizations
Spectra Logic, a global leader in data management and data storage solutions, today announced a collaboration with the iRODS Consortium to create a joint solution built upon Spectra Vail® software, Spectra BlackPearl® S3 storage and the iRODS data management platform. The combined solution enables customers to use industry-standard cloud interfaces for on-premises disk and on-premises […]
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EduHeLx: A Cloud-based Programming Platform for Data Science Education
The EduHeLx pilot experiment informed future thinking about incorporating cloud-based technologies in UNC-CH courses, including courses in the new UNC-CH School of Data Science & Society (SDSS)
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RENCI Leadership Assigned to Lead Implementation of the UNC School of Data Science & Society
RENCI Director, Stan Ahalt, and Chief Operating Officer, Jay Aikat, will take on secondary appointments as Inaugural Dean and Senior Associate Dean, respectively.
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Data Matters short-course series is back for August 2022
Annual data science series returns via Zoom Now in its ninth year, Data Matters 2022, a week-long series of one and two-day courses aimed at students and professionals in business, research, and government, will take place August 8 – 12 virtually via Zoom. The short course series is sponsored by the Odum Institute for Research […]
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RENCI and RTI International expand strategic partnership
RTI International (RTI), a nonprofit research institute, has recently established a strategic partnership with UNC-Chapel Hill’s Renaissance Computing Institute (RENCI) to build upon the success of existing collaborations and jointly seek out new research opportunities in areas such as data modernization, data science, and team science solutions.
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RENCI named as partner in NSF institute to establish new field of imageomics
Imageomics Institute will advance computational methods for studying Earth’s biodiversity RENCI has been named as a partner on an ambitious new effort to use images of living organisms as the basis for understanding biological processes of life on Earth. The project, to be led by faculty from The Ohio State University’s Translational Data Analytics Institute, […]
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RENCI joins researchers across the US in supporting NSF Major Facilities with data lifecycle management efforts through new NSF-funded Center of Excellence
When it comes to research, having a strong cyberinfrastructure that supports advanced data acquisition, storage, management, integration, mining, visualization, and computational processing services can be vital. However, building cyberinfrastructures (CI) — especially ones that aim to support multiple varied and complex scientific facilities — is a challenge. In 2018, a team of researchers from institutions […]
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UNC-Chapel Hill and RTI International selected to provide data management, stewardship to NIH-funded researchers focused on the opioid and pain management public health crises
UNC-Chapel Hill and RTI International have been selected to provide data management, stewardship to NIH-funded researchers focused on the opioid and pain management public health crises.
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