Yearly Archives: 2012

Emerging Company Showcase presents 14 UNC startups

Fourteen startup companies based on innovations at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill will present at the annual Emerging Company Showcase on April 18.

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RENCI-SILS CI-BER project cited in White House “Big Data” announcement

CHAPEL HILL, NC – On March 29, 2012, the White House announced the “Big Data Research and Development Initiative.”

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Carolina Launch Pad seeks campus entrepreneurs for 2012-2013 program year

CHAPEL HILL, NC—Faculty, staff, and student entrepreneurs at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill are encouraged to apply for a spot in the Carolina Launch Pad, the pre-commercial technology business accelerator located at RENCI.

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Researchers forecast 150% rise in developed land in Triangle/Rocky Mount region by 2040

A study by researchers RENCI at UNC Charlotte researchers shows 570 percent increase in developed land since 1976.

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Renowned historian and cyberinfrastructure pioneer to speak March 29

Orville Vernon Burton, a Clemson University history professor and renowned expert on Abraham Lincoln, the Civil war era, race relations and the history of the American South, will speak from 2 p.m. – 3:30 p.m., March 29 in room 141 of the Frederick P. Brooks, Jr. Building, 201 S. Columbia St., Chapel Hill.

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RENCI seeks proposals for Duke visualization program

RENCI is seeking a new Duke University research team to participate in the RENCI at Duke Faculty Engagement Program in Applied Scientific and Information Visualization.

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Computer scientist and pioneer of high-speed molecular dynamics simulations to speak at Carolina

David E. Shaw’s special-purpose supercomputer could help researchers understand malfunctions underlying many diseases.

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Coastal flood risks, present and future

Scientists can’t control coastal flooding caused by storm surge. But they can help government agencies and the public understand the risks from storm surge and wind waves in vulnerable areas like North Carolina’s Outer Banks.

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RENCI at UNC Charlotte studies Charlotte neighborhoods and the Great Recession

Researchers RENCI’s UNCC Engagement Center find that recession hits harder in neighborhoods with lower quality of life scores.

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TR-12-01 Designing Smart Camera Networks using Smartphone Platforms: A Case Study

Yusuf Simonson, Robert Fowler, Edgar Lobaton, Ron Alterovitz. Technical Report TR-12-01, Designing Smart Camera Networks using Smartphone Platforms: A Case Study, Renaissance Computing Institute, The Department of Computer Science of The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, January, 2012.

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